Monday, September 26, 2016

Rumah Pohon Masamba ; Education Center of Nature And Recyling

Disini kita sudah mengetahui betapa rusaknya hutan yang di akibatkan penebangan liar ataupun sebab pembukaan lahan perkebunan di tambah lagi karena kebakaran hutan.Jadi deforestasi hutan di Indonesia rata rata adalah 680.000 hektar pertahun. maka dari luas hutan Indonesia keseluruhan kurang lebih 133.300.543,98 dan beberapa tahun kedepan hutan kita mungkin akan menjadi cerita saja, bila kita tidak mencoba memperbaiki dan menjaganya.

Karena kerusakan hutan kita yang cukup pesat maka alam berangsur angsur mulai berubah, cuaca tidak menentu panas semakin panas karena lapisan ozon semakin menipis, banjir dimana mana sebab hutan tidak lagi mampu menahan endapan air. Selain itu maka sudah tentu banyak mahluk hidup yang kehilangan tempat tinggalnya.

Maka kini keadaan ini yang kita sebut: Global warming. Kira-kira hampir sebagian orang sudah mengetahui istilah tersebut. Global warming atau yang dalam bahasa Indonesia “Pemanasan Global” adalah peristiwa kenaikan suhu di permukaan bumi yang dapat memberikan dampak negatif bagi para penghuni bumi itu sendiri. Yang menjadi masalah adalah pemanasan global justru timbul karena ulah manusia tersebut. Banyak yang masih menganggapnya sebagai angin lalu. Dalam artian mereka sudah tahu tentang bahaya yang ditimbulkan namun tidak menyikapinya dengan serius.

Dampak pemanasan global tidaklah muncul secara tiba-tiba. Melainkan perlahan namun akan membawa efek yang lebih besar lagi seiring berjalannya waktu. Saat itulah banyak orang yang baru sadar mengenai adanya pemanasan global tersebut. Di sinilah peran anak anak remaja sangat dibutuhkan sebagai generasi penerus. Namun ironisnya, hanya sebagian kecil saja yang sudah sadar mengenai hal ini.

Sebagian atau mungkin hampir kebanyak anak anak remaja sudah tahu pemanasan global secara teori. Maksudnya hanya sekedar tahu, namun tidak melakukan pencegahan dan sebagainya. Contoh nyata, saat ada pelajaran yang membahas mengenai hal ini, mereka sudah benar menjawabnya. Tetapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masih saja ada yang membuang sampah sembarangan. Padahal tempat sampah sudah disediakan.
Tentunya sebagian dari kita sudah tahu apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya pemanasan global. Ya, menipisnya lapisan ozon bumi sehingga cahaya matahari tidak dapat ‘disaring’ dengan baik, dan akhirnya timbul panas yang berlebihan pada permukaan bumi. Itulah mengapa kita sering merasakan sinar matahari yang sangat terik. Lalu mengapa lapisan ozon kita bisa menipis?

Perlu diketahui manusia menjadi ‘dalang’ dibalik masalah ini. Karena ulah manusia-lah hal tersebut dapat terjadi. Penggunaan pendingin ruangan (AC) yang berlebihan, efek rumah kaca, penggunaan hair spray dan aerosol merupakan beberapa contoh dari penyebab pemanasan global yang bisa menimbulkan bahaya yang cukup serius bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Apa saja?

Salah satu akibat yang ditimbulkan adalah adanya hujan asam atau acid rain. Hujan ini secara alami di hasilkan oleh aktivitas gunung berapi dan dari proses biologis di tanah, rawa maupun laut. Tetapi mayoritas hujan asam dihasilkan oleh aktivitas manusia seperti polusi kendaraan bermotor, pabrik industri, pembangkit tenaga listrik, dan pabrik pengolahan pertanian (terutama ammonia). Gas-gas yang dihasilkan terbawa angin hingga atmosfer sebelum menjadi asam dan terdeposit ke tanah.

Dampak yang lebih parah ialah mencairnya kutub selatan. Hal ini bisa membuat permukaan air laut meninggi sehingga dapat menenggelamkan pulau-pulau kecil dan makhluk hidup di dalamnya.

Dari berbagai masalah yang ditimbulkan, sebuah pertanyaan muncul. Apa yang harus kita lakukan? Bagaimana menanggulanginya? Kini peran generasi muda-lah yang sedang dibutuhkan. Kedisiplinan untuk menjalani hidup sehat hendaknya diterapkan untuk mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik. Dengan mengurangi penggunaan pendingin ruangan dan mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan bermotor, kita sudah mengurangi jumlah polusi udara. Sehingga dapat meminimalisir dampak pemanasan global ke tingkat yang lebih serius. Pemerintah dan beberapa kelompok masyarakat saat ini juga sudah menerapkan gaya hidup ‘Go Green’ yakni menerapkan pola hidup sehat dengan peduli pada lingkungan. Bila kita sudah bisa dan memiliki kesadaran dari diri sendiri, kita dapat memiliki hidup yang lebih baik bagi generasi selanjutnya.

Disini yang perlu di tekankan adalah Mari kita Sadari betapa pentingnya semesta alam bagi kelangsungan mahluk hidup yang ada di dalamnya, untuk generasi ke generasi yang akan datang dan mulailah sadar dari sekarang sebelum semua terlanjur musnah. Maka ajar generasi muda dan tanamkanlah, hijaukan kembali hutan, sejukkan Bumi lagi Adalah tugas kita bersama.

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My Project on Youtube:

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Tree House Project 

Hello Guys....

We are here making some big projects. The project is located in the jungle near Masamba (Balebo Village), South Sulawesi (Sub District Masamba, District Luwu) and seeks to educate young people in language, art and environmental awareness. 

I have come from Northern Sumatera and moved to Masamba to make this project happen. I want to help this small village because many people cannot speak English here but really want to learn it as it opens up their future possibilities and understanding of the world around them.

We are a hard working and dedicated team of volunteers ourselves doing this project for the love of it and the earth. The project is entirely self funded and still faces many challenges although the major obstacle of gaining community support has already been overcome and activities are going well.
We are presently building our first of several tree houses that already serves as a school, studio and eventually art gallery. The building is made entirely of recycled materials (except the nails that are donated to us paratically). 

We believe in the concept of immersive and open air education where skills are learned in an informal setting with the focus being on building confidence and creativity though direct interactions with people and the environment. 
Our English language training for example involves our foreign volunteers engaging in planting, building and art activities with the youth while speaking English. Cooking classes for making local dishes are also given by the youth, and for those interested in learning Indonesian, this immersive approach is also available. 
Our project is set on 1 hectare of land and with the rivers views, classes have already started with several volunteers having already enjoyed their experience, and the young people already feeling more comfortable talking with foreigners and showing visible signs of enthusiasm towards the recycling project.
Many adult members of the community have also expressed their support, including the head of the village who is eager to help any way he can.

Our activities include:
  1. Creative recycling of cigarette butts, sandals, shoes and plastic into sculptures, housing and other. 
  2. Building tree houses with recycled materials from the local environment, particularly wood, bamboo and dried banana leaves. These tree houses are to serve as learning hubs, accommodations an art gallery and the like. 
  3. Organic farming: teaching youngsters about how to plant without using chemicals and focused on the principals of perm-culture. 
  4. Tree planting as a means to help the thinning ozone layer, retain groundwater, provide shade and oxygen. 
  5. Introducing and teaching traditional cooking techniques to foreigners who volunteer here, specifically dishes from South Sulawaesi such as Sinole and Dange ( Sago palm). 
  6. Teach painting with used coffee grinds techniques to village youth 
  7. Create theatrical "fire war" using coconut leaves and fire walking glasses emoticon 
  8. General skill sharing and confidence building leading to self generated solutions within the community. 
  9. Exchanged Experiences on Photography, video maker and film maker. 
  10. Looking for someone to be made of photo model in traditional dress and modern

And we also have new English class in Palopo in South Sulawesi, 1 hour from Masamba, if possible when you want come to Masamba I hope you can visit to Palopo first for teaching the English class there. In Palopo the English class is 2 times per week, on Thursday and Saturday. We hope to make Palopo our main English education soon and build gardens and structures there as well.

Our project is independent, we make by ourselves and our own thought. So, we wish for the same from you! 
We need help from everyone (energy, materials and also aid). When the volunteers would like to come, we ask for their understanding and contributions in this. The Ideas they bring, aid which they give, and donations they make go towards keeping this dream alive. Firstly all the meals are shared (in the eating also). With volunteers taking turns in helping to prepare and cook the food as well. A great chance to learn delicious cooking methods during there stay here. Visiting the local markets to get supplies is a fun trip as well!

Eventually we hope to feed everyone from the garden but that is still in it seedling phase. If you have any gardening knowledge to share or seeds that will grow in tropical climates ( summer crops) please bring them along we would love to grow an international garden too!

We are looking for volunteers who are self motivated. Driven to pursue their creative and functional projects themselves and with the help of other volunteers and the community members. The working day starts when you are ready ( after coffee and breakfast) and goes until you have finished your project (which may take days that's ok too) .When its too hot a swim in the river is always a fun way to cool down. 

We take many coffee breaks for short times to refuel and refocus on our tasks but also often work constantly but in taking turns. We want people to come here who feel driven to contribute and will jump in to lend a hand when needed but are also happy to create and make and work on there own project to fill the hours .

Here, we are not only working everyday, but we are also can do walk out, camping, fishing, swimming in the river and whatever we would like to do. You can work in the project land when you wake up- we stay up late doing art and organization so are often not awake until a bit later. We are all working at least 5 hours of day and 2 days for free day of week. 

Not forced to work, but having your own drive is appreciated. our wish is that you are glad to do that. As we need, ideas and action from all of you. 

And If possible or you want to know what else to bring extra: please bring the flag of your country, English books ( any kind as we want to make a library), also some seed,or art supplies as a gift and also symbolic of your stay here.

Looking forward to working together for a brighter future, big hugs from Masamba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

If you want to know and see about my project, please open my video on Youtube
Please click here :  I am From Here Project

Thank you so much.

Nice Regards
Edyanta Sinuaji

My Phone: +628124466540
My Whatsapp: +6285312020779
My Facebook: Edyanta Sinuaji


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Rumah Pohon Drawing